Dunia Al Jawda

Ongoing Projects

Cement Paper Bag Factory in Samawah republic of Iraq

Dunia Al Jawda having taken into consideration the situation in the Iraqi market regarding the demand of Cement Paper Bag and decided to invest in this sector, building in two phases a bag plant in the industrial area of Samawah, with a production capacity of about 234,000,000 bags (phase A), with provision for a future extension for one more line (phase B). The (phase A) gross investment is going to be about USD 54mil.

The plant will consist of five lines, 4 colours print, with fully automated palletizer and all other modern technology facilities. It will take a little less than 22 months to be commissioned and shall employ about 55 skilled personnel. It is going to work with two shifts and produce basically two types of bags for 50 and 25kg packaging of cement. Obviously, the plant will have the technical capability, including latest “know-how”, to be modified and produce bags for other industrial products, such as chemicals, food etc.

Dunia Al Jawda has secured all legal frame work documentations such as investment License and Land properties  documents from Government of Iraq.

The Techno Commercial feasibility study , basic designing and Soil testing has been already completed.

An International Consultant company has been appointed for construction and installation supervision of the project .

Paper Bag Production line

Cement Paper bag Factory land and Location 

The Plant will be built in a plot of land allocated by the Investment Authority of Samawah to Dunia Al Jawda. The exact location is about 12 km out of Samawah  City in an Industrial area and the plot is almost 20,000m2 (250x80mt).